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Tell the Census Bureau: Nothing About Us Without Us!

Don’t Make Changes to the Disability Census Questions Without Meaningful Consultation with the Disability Community!

The American Community Survey (ACS), and specifically the disability questions in the survey, is one of the very few sets of data we have from the federal government about the disability population in the United States. This numerical information is critical in formulating federal, state, and local policymaking that impacts the disability community.

In September, the Census Bureau proposed changes to the disability questions in the ACS that will, as drafted, have a negative impact on the data that is collected. The new questions in the ACS have a strong possibility of undercounting the disability population leading to reduced funding for critical federal programs and loss of critical data demonstrating the needs of the community. This was all done with no involvement or consultation with the disability community before the changes were released.

Comments are currently being accepted by the Census Bureau. Now is the time to say how important this data is, and no changes should be implemented without consultation with the disability community! Nothing about us without us!


Disability Rights Arkansas, Inc.
400 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 1200  | Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
(501) 296-1775 | info@disabilityrightsar.org

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